Enjoying the sunshine! |
Well, with the weather that way it has been lately, it would seem that here in Southwest Ohio, spring has sprung...but realizing that I have to wonder, with it being 75-80 degrees all of this week, and a good portion of last week, did we completely skip over spring and go straight in to summer? And really, where was winter? It almost seems like we went straight from fall into spring...though a slightly depressing spring since everything was still dead rather than green and blooming. I'm not complaining about that! I do not like the cold, snowy winter season, so I am completely okay with skipping that, and since we do have the green and blooming gorgeousness of spring, I am quite okay with this weather. In fact, I have very much been enjoying it! My only concern is that if we're having summer in March, what is the weather going to look like in our usual summer months (most specifically, what is it going to look like on say, July 7th...since that just so happens to be the day of my wedding, and it's outdoors...?)? Oh well, no point in worrying about that just yet. I'm going to enjoy every moment of this amazing weather while I can!