Then June 6th happened. Our sweet Isaac couldn't fight the infection anymore and he passed away. There are no words to describe the pain and heartache that go with losing your child. To be honest, I didn't want life to go on. I wanted everything to end, like my son's time with us had. However, life does keep going, but with the loss and brokenness always on your mind and in your heart. It didn't take much to bring the pain to the surface (sometimes it still doesn't), and unfortunately, babies and young children were a huge reminder of the precious little boy that we lost. For weeks, I avoided being around kids. Anytime friends posted pictures of their kids on facebook, I took them off my newsfeed. It was just too hard to see a child and wonder what our son would look like at that age, and what he would enjoy doing...and it broke my heart a little more every time.
My avoidance of children also included our nephew. Actually, it especially included Everett. They were so close in age, and I had envisioned two little cousins growing up together. They would have started kindergarten at the same time, become teenagers just ten days apart, graduated high school the same year... At that time, in my mind, Everett represented all the days that I would never have with Isaac, and all the memories that I would never get to make. I was terrified of meeting Everett, afraid that I wouldn't like him because he was alive and Isaac wasn't. I hated feeling that way! This was my precious baby nephew, whom I had been so excited to meet and love, and I wanted nothing to do with him. I was angry at myself for feeling that way, but I didn't know how to change it and continued to do everything I could to not be around him. I was successful in that until Adam's parents asked us to have a family dinner with them, Jenn, Dylan, and Everett before Adam and I left for vacation. I didn't want to. To be honest, I still was having a hard time being around anyone, so family dinner just sounded like a really bad idea to me, especially since Everett would be there. I didn't want to have family dinner, but I also felt like I didn't have a choice. We had turned down multiple invitations from Adam's parents and I felt like saying 'no' to dinner would make it seem like we were avoiding them. So, though Adam and I both were nervous and kind of even dreading going to dinner, we said that we would. I called Jenn a few days beforehand and told her how nervous I was about the dinner, and it was another really great and encouraging conversation. She told me that while Everett would be there, they would make sure that no one talked about him unless Adam or I asked.
When the night of the dinner came around, I again did not want to go. I did not want to meet Everett (he was over a month old and we still hadn't even met him!), and I was worried that just knowing he was there was going to be really hard. Initially, things started out a little tense (for me anyway, I don't know about anyone else). Over time though, I started to realize that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay. I slowly let myself wonder about Everett and would even look at him on occasion. The kid is cute, and so sweet! Before the night was over, Adam and I had both even held him for a little while. I fell in love with my adorable nephew that night and stopped trying to actively avoid being around kids all the time. Granted, there were still some days that I knew I was struggling and that I couldn't handle being around children, so on those days, I tried to stay away; it wasn't a constant though. I stopped hiding the pictures that would show up on facebook, and even started enjoying seeing some of them (my friends and family have cute kids!).
Due to a couple different family events and the fact that Adam and I go to the same church as Jenn and Dylan, I've seen Everett quite a bit the past couple weeks, and every time, I've wanted to hold him and play with him (the fact that he seems to get cuter every day may be a part of that too). At church on Sunday, I was holding him while we were singing and I didn't want to give him back to Jenn before the sermon started. As I held him and watched him sleep in my arms, I realized that while being around Everett does make me think of Isaac even more (that seems impossible because I never stop thinking about him), I no longer see him as everything I won't have with my son. I see him as my precious nephew, and I love him so much. In a way, he's a comfort to me now. It's hard to explain, but when I'm holding him, I see how innocent he is and it reminds me that there is still beauty and hope and good in my life. Everett is helping me to heal, and he doesn't even know it. No, I won't get to watch Isaac grow up, and I will always miss him and be sad that he isn't here with us, but I do get to watch sweet Everett grow up, and I want him to grow up knowing that I love him.
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My sweet nephew, Everett. Jenn and Dylan found this onesie shortly before our "Adam Beat Cancer" party and decided that Everett needed it :-) |
Amber, as your sister-in-law and Everett's mommy... I am so encouraged by this post. Of course I was emotional reading it. However, from our conversations during our pregnancies, to when Isaac came, to when E came, to when Isaac went to be with Jesus, to the dinner at mom and dad's, to you holding E at church... I am so thankful that we have open communication and that we have Jesus who gives us strength. God knows that we can't handle our emotions on our own. I feared a lot when E came shortly after Isaac, but I over the last few weeks... just by me hearing you tell Everett the simple words... "Everett, Auntie Amber loves you!"... melts my heart. He will grow up knowing your love for him! Absolutely him well! I'm glad in some way that sweet little E can bring some healing for you. E will grow up knowing all about Isaac and how much he means to all of us, and how he was such a fighter! Thank you for your honesty. Dylan, Everett and I love you so much and are so thankful that you are apart of our family!
ReplyDeleteThank you, and Dylan, for being so encouraging and understanding through everything! I love you guys!